Handcrafted in the Scottish Cairngorms
For over 30 years, the small family firm Meikles of Scotland have crafted Stag’s Breath Liqueur in the heart of the Scottish Highlands.
From their home in Newtonmore, Yvonne and Les look out over the most majestic scenery the Scottish Highlands has to offer. Heather clad mountains, wildlife rich forests and the River Spey winding through the valley floor.
‘We’d always wondered if we could somehow capture this breathtaking beauty and bottle it’, says Yvonne. ‘To begin with, it was just a pipe dream. Then, over 30 years ago, we started thinking more seriously about it.
‘How would the essence of Speyside taste? It would need fine malt whisky, obviously – we’re world famous for it. Honey complements whisky wonderfully, but we didn’t want a cloying, syrupy drink.
‘So we got to work experimenting with recipes. The breakthrough came when we took premium comb honey and fermented it, as our ancestors did to make mead. Suddenly, the flavour came alive!
‘We’d found the perfect balance of sweetness and warmth, with the fermentation adding an elegant complexity. It seemed to mirror our landscape – beautiful and soul affirming, but with that brooding hint of wildness that’s always present in the Highlands.
‘And the name? It’s from Whisky Galore, the Compton Mackenzie story of Scottish Islanders making the most of shipwrecked whisky!
‘We launched our family business, Meikles of Scotland, to transport our delectable blend of honey and whisky to premium outlets and homes across the globe. It still amazes me when I drop into John Lewis, or visit the famous whisky shops on Edinburgh’s Royal Mile, and see our bottles there in pride of place.
Stag’s Breath Liqueur has always been hand crafted with care, right here in Newtonmore and we remain resolute in our mission: to bring the very essence of Highland Speyside to you, wherever you call home.'

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